
command line

host application parameter
  • doc=[URL of source] interpreted by the provider (as the data source parameter)
  • provider=[provider class] interpreted by the Treebolic
  • base=[URL of document folder] interpreted by the applet when helping build the source URL, can be relative to HTML document
  • images=[URL of images folder] interpreted by the applet when helping build the images URL, can be relative to HTML document
  • relativeto=docbase is interpreted as meaning that a relative path is relative to docbase (HTML document) rather than base (XML file) which is the default behaviour
  • doc=[URL of source] interpreted by the provider (as the data source parameter)
  • provider=[provider class] interpreted by the Treebolic
  • base=[URL of document folder] interpreted by the application to help build the source URL
  • images=[URL of image folder] interpreted by the application to help build the image location URL
  • provider1=[provider class] interpreted by the browser as the provider for the next source argument only
  • base1=[URL of document folder] interpreted by the browser to help build the source URL, the scope of this parameter extends to the next source argument only
  • images1=[URL of image folder] interpreted by the browser to help build the image location URL, the scope of this parameter extends to the next source argument only
  • doc=[URL of source] interpreted by the browser (as the data source parameter), can have multiple instances and/or drop the doc= prefix
  • provider=[provider class] interpreted by the browser as the default provider
  • base=[URL of document folder] interpreted by the browser as the default location when helping build the source URL
  • images=[URL of image folder] interpreted by the browser as the default image location when helping build the image location URL
  • doc=[URL of source] interpreted by the provider (as the data source parameter)
  • base=[URL of document folder] interpreted by the generator to help build the source URL

provider parameter
XML DOM doc=[URL of XML file conforming to Treebolic.dtd, as generated by the generator]
XML fast doc=[URL of XML file conforming to Treebolic.dtd, as generated by the generator]
XSLT doc=[URL of XML file] xslt=[URL of XSLT file]
XSLT Freemind doc=[URL of XML file conforming to freemind.xsd
XSLT GXL doc=[URL of XML file conforming to subset of gxl-1.2.dtd as exported by generator]
GXL doc=[URL of XML file conforming to subset of gxl-1.2.dtd as exported by generator]
Dot doc=[URL of file conforming to dot format]
OWL doc=[URL of XML file conforming to OWL]
File System source=[path to directory]
WordNet source=[target word]
GXL graph doc=[URL of XML file conforming to gxl-1.2.dtd]
GXML graph doc=[URL of XML file conforming to GraphXML.dtd]